Albany County Animal Response Team

Albany County Animal Response Team


To provide humane/proper care and treatment of animals affected by a disaster or emergency, to protect livestock, domesticated animals including companion animals, the public health, the environment, and to ensure the care and treatment of animals in case of a large scale natural, manmade or technological emergency or other situations that cause animal suffering. Any disaster that threatens humans, threatens animals, and it will be necessary to provide water, shelter, food and first aid.

Local Emergency Assistance

To take immediate action in providing a means of care and control to minimize animal (owned, stray, domestic, or wild) suffering and disease control in the event of a large-scale emergency.  Coordinate support agencies to manage animal protection in large-scale emergencies.

Provide and coordinate personnel, equipment, and shelter as required to protect large and small domestic and sick and/or injured non-domestic animals.

Implementation of the CART will be incident driven and may be requested through the County Emergency Manager as needed. The Team may be utilized in the planning modality as needed and requested by the Emergency Manager.


Registered volunteers will be required to complete the following on-line courses:

Are You Ready to Join the Albany County Animal Response Team?